Online Internet Marketing Strategies: Best Practices and Examples

Internet Marketing Strategies

Having an online business is not an easy task but it is surely pleasing. The lucky part is that you get a lot of opportunities to flourish your business by exploring internet marketing strategies.

With the right tactics, you can achieve the full potential of your company!

Over the past few years, Internet marketing and online businesses are expanding and improved, hence is the need for solid marketing techniques.

So let’s jump right in and find out what exactly internet marketing is and what are the best internet marketing strategies you need for your brand!


Internet marketing refers to various techniques used to make your products and services available online. It is a form of advertising for your products through online portals like emails, social media, blogging, sponsorships, etc.

Online marketing is bigger than just selling your products, it has many other benefits as well, like:

1. Building the reputation of your brand.

2. Bring in loyal relationships with customers and let you take care of their wants and needs. (while we take care of yours!)

t also helps with SEO and search results.

It is budget-friendly, cuts higher costs, and gives you higher margins.

That is how Internet marketing works to win our hearts and money!

To reach the goals of being a successful online business, you’ll need to know how these strategies work, so let’s dive right into it!


When you put your products on the online market, the goal is to connect to your audience through various platforms all over the internet.

For example, if you choose to promote your work and products through social media marketing, making your own Instagram page, paying for ads, and sponsoring influencers will help you gain customers and profits. This is one of how you can do online marketing!

If your product reaches the customer’s search results or you can get them to subscribe to you through their emails, your efforts are paying off!

There are a lot of factors that the strategies might depend on, like:

• Budget

• Business model

• Target audience

• Products and services

These factors and goals make the base for any e-marketing techniques to build a brand. After you’ve had the answers for the above written down, we’ll let you in on a few secrets!

The secret mantra for successful marketing and advertising is strategizing. We have the ten best internet marketing techniques that can work like magic for your brand.


Of course, to reach your full potential, you should have all the techniques up your sleeves. These marketing strategies will make your work efficient and you can just sit back, relax and let them do the work!

Here are ten web marketing strategies you’ve been waiting for:

1. Search Engine Optimisation:

The main task for your web marketing is to adjust to the rankings of Google’s requirements so your products or keywords can naturally show up in the search results. This is to make sure that your desired product reaches your target audience more organically. Around 64% of marketers invest in SEO.

2. Web design:

Yeah, you guessed right! Your website is just as important as anything else. If you have a clean and aesthetic website, it will catch the attention of your customers. This might be the first thing your audience might see so it’s the right platform to make your first impression.

3. Pay-per-click (PPC):

In simple words, you have to place the highest bid on your keywords to show up in organic search results. The effortless part is that you only pay if your ads are clicked which means it reaches out to the specific audience you need. Google Adwords is one of the best-known PPC for website marketing strategies so do give it a try!

4. Content marketing:

Platforms like social media, blogs, and podcasts are the main areas you want to work on. It is a very useful way to connect and communicate with your customers. It is not always done to sell your products but to maintain consistency with your brand and target audience. It should be informative and keep the customers updated!

5. Social media marketing:

Brands like Nike and Spotify have used social media marketing to their advantage. It keeps your audience engaged in your product and builds your company’s name. It grows your digital sales since it’s one of the most used platforms for millions of people.

6. Influencer marketing:

It is a little similar to how social media marketing works but influencers on social media promote and advertise your products. You can offer them sponsorships and since they have a large audience on their accounts and youtube channels, you have the chance to gain more attention and customers.

7. Email Marketing:

This form of marketing is very budget-friendly and one of the easiest ways to get into your customer’s inbox. By earning subscriptions, it is efficient to keep your ads consistent. The use of demographics for email marketing is to reach your target audience.

8. Reputation marketing:

For your business to stand up on its feet, you need a good reputation. Trying feedback forms and customer reviews will give you more opportunities to showcase your work and hence build your “brand” name. Social media and press releases can also be used to your advantage.

9. Retargeting:

One of the smartest options is to retarget your audience. If a customer visits your site without purchasing anything, there is a way to get them to buy your products. Making sure that they see the ad for your products on other sites will convince them to give in and buy them!

10. Conversion rate optimization:

This is an underrated marketing strategy but through CRO, you can observe and test what elements are more preferred than the others for your customers. Buttons, layout, and images are some of the elements you can test!

Go ahead and make these techniques your own. We hope we could give the answers you came looking for. Although, it is always too good to ask for help; that is what we’re here for!

BrightBrain Tech is a Digital Marketing and Advertising Agency with a focus on building digital solutions for Branding and Increased Sales efficiency. Our expertise includes Digital Advertising Campaigns, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Web Design & Development, and Online Branding. Our Google Partnership brings a unique opportunity to work with the internal team at Google, adding even more value to our team & clients.

Let us help you create something that people want to share!

Suhail Bajaj

Suhail Bajaj is the CEO of BrightBrain Marketing Technologies LLP that has now grown into a full-fledged digital marketing agency with 55+ employees and clients from 7+ countries – all under his supervision. Graduated with an MBA from the esteemed Cass Business School, he brilliantly puts his learnings into practice, helping brands meet their business goals and succeed in a digital-first world.

Suhail Bajaj

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