Digital Marketing & Advertising Ideas to Boost Real Estate Sales

Effective growth hacking strategies

Digital marketing for real estate is getting competitive given today’s tech-driven world. A lot of businesses in the real estate sector are taking advantage of the benefits of digital marketing strategies. But, what exactly is this growth hacking strategy? It’s simple! Experimenting across various marketing channels to find the best way to speed up the conversion and lead generation.

With the help of Digital Marketing for real estate In India, it is expected to reach a market size of US $1 trillion by 2030 and contribute 13% to the country’s GDP by 2025. The real estate industry is filled with driven entrepreneurial agents who are real estate growth hacking is an exciting avenue to generate more business.

Today, even small businesses/constructors are using real estate marketing strategies to find the most effective method for enhancing lead generation and conversion. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s seize the opportunity and amp up your game with these ideas for real estate marketing!

7 Real Estate Marketing Strategies

1. A Compelling Website:

Marketing your property online is extremely difficult without a website as you simply won’t get enough exposure. Did you know – 98% of people start their home search online? So, having a dedicated website is no longer a choice, but a necessity. Make sure your website includes the latest property listings and community insights. Apart from this, include some informative content to keep visitors engaged the moment they land on it.

Also, don’t forget to update your listings from time to time, post plenty of photos and videos, ensure the navigation is easy and optimized for mobile platforms.

2. Use Property Portal Software:

Another growth hack for real estate is to start using property portal software. Feeding your property listings to major real estate portals is a powerful boost for SEO and a lucrative lead source. With this, you can build unlimited feeds to any portal and manage them from one central platform. By doing this, you can track the lead source easier and faster.

3. Neighborhood Landing Pages:

It’s always a good idea to let your website visitors know how great the local area is to live and buy properties in. In order to do this, just listings are not enough. Give the audience interesting and unbiased information about the area. Mention about the facilities, schools, malls, medicare, best spots to visit, etc. to keep them interested. All this can be done by crafting compelling copies and including lots of images/videos.

4. Automate CRM:

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) targeted at your real estate business will enhance the team’s efficiency at managing contacts, properties, campaigns, referrals, transactions, and much more. You should make sure that certain sources are communicated the way they should by adopting source-specific automation plans as well as personalized email templates.

It has been observed that brokerages using CRMs see a 41% increase of sales productivity per agent. So, are you ready to ramp up your sales metrics this quarter?

5. Partnerships:

In this business, it’s all about the connections of course. An excellent way to grow and offer potential clients a complete service list is to partner up with fellow agents, mortgage brokers and building developers. Working with a partner mortgage broker might let you offer lower interest rates which can draw your client’s attention.

As these partnerships will generate business for all parties, we bet you wouldn’t leave this channel unnoticed.

6. Understand Your Competition:

To better understand your competition, make sure you’re in tune with what’s going on in digital marketing by using certain tools. Know their online strategy, sites they are mentioned on and portals they feed their listings to.

Such things are good to know and compare with your own results. This will give you a glimpse of what is likely to work the best and untap the marketing channels your competitors aren’t using as you can be the first to benefit.

7. Social Media Engagement:

One of the most powerful lead generation tools and a great platform to engage with potential clients. You’ll probably be knowing the best where your audience is – it could be Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram. But, if you’re new to social media marketing, start with one or two channels first and see if that one is working. You could also look to other agents with a large following and see which channels are working for them.

Apart from this, today many real estate companies are choosing influencers to maximize their reach on different platforms. According to a survey, 57% of the respondents reported that influencer content outperformed brand-created content. So, as influencer marketing is a perfect way to leverage online visibility you can collaborate with the right influencers and attract more potential buyers or renters.

Explore the possibilities of digital marketing for real estate with BrightBrain.

BrightBrain Marketing Technologies, a Digital Marketing Agency for real estate, e-commerce business and brands, provides top-notch services for various brands with a focus on building digital solutions for branding and increased sales efficiency. Our expertise includes Digital Advertising Campaigns, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Web Development and Online Branding. Our Google Partnership brings a unique opportunity to work with the internal team at Google, adding even more value to our team & clients.

Want more leads? Contact us today to learn how we can help grow your business!

Sandeep Israni

Sandeep Israni is the co-founder of BrightBrain Marketing Technologies LLP – a firm that has now grown into a full-fledged digital marketing agency with 55+ employees and clients from 7+ countries – all under his supervision. He mastered the art of Executive Management at SP Jain Institute of Management & Research, followed by extensive industry experience. His unquestionable expertise allows him to help clients achieve the extraordinary in the digital realm.

Sandeep Israni

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