Benefits of Influencer Marketing

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“Tick Tick Boom”! What comes to your mind as soon as you hear this statement? There are only two correct answers. Is it a flashback of Instagram reels or a recollection of Andrew Garfield without his spiderman costume?

As you spend more and more time on Instagram and YouTube, you will follow many influencers. Do you recall spending your time trying new recipes posted by some of the “food influencers” during the lockdown?

Be it food, clothing, or product purchases, your decisions are “influenced” by specific ad campaigns you see. Product placement plays a vital role in marketing a product, and influencers play a prominent role here.

Let’s understand what exactly it means in marketing and how you can use influencer marketing to your advantage!

What is influencer marketing?

At a basic level, influencer marketing is a subsection of social media marketing that takes in endorsements and product mentions by influencers. Influencers are individuals with a dedicated following on social media who may or may not be considered experts in their niche.

Influencer marketing can be seen as a platform rich in customer loyalty. The followers trust that social influencers recommend only commendable and worthy products.

Scroll away to verify how influencer marketing suits your business needs!

Why influencer marketing?

The importance of influencer marketing shouldn’t be overlooked. Influencers are not restricted to being insta-celebrities. Content creators who post about their respective fields on social media have an engaged audience that also happens to be extremely loyal and trusting of them.

Influencer marketing is responsible for engaging the audience and driving organic sales for your product. More than that, influencer marketing is growing substantially because consumer patterns are changing. Customers are moving from TV and radio to social media and OTT platforms. With such changes, marketing strategies should not rely only on outbound marketing techniques.

Influencer marketing is important because it helps reinforce your brand identity. Almost 49% percent of consumers depend on influencer recommendations for their next purchase. Do you remember the last book you purchased which didn’t feature on the “must-read” list of one your favourite bookstagrammers?

Influencer marketing can be used as a standalone marketing technique, or it can be used with other marketing strategies.

The influencer marketing strategy will require only a few efforts from your end. You need to define your target audience, set appropriate goals, assign a specific budget for it, and finally select the right influencers for your product.

If you are sceptical about its benefits and budget, here’s why you shouldn’t!

Benefits of influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has numerous benefits, which you’re about to find out. Social media is a platform where we engage with people from different walks of life. When consumers realise there is a person behind a product, they easily empathise with the services and are curious to check your brand out.

Here are the many advantages of influencer marketing:

1. Brand Awareness & Reach

The influencer marketing industry is set to reach $16.48 billion this year. This is owed to influencers making an ad campaign more genuine and engaging for your target audience.

Influencers are responsible for increasing brand visibility and creating an opportunity to acquire potential customers. With social media’s existing algorithm, your brand’s reach can quickly improve.

2. Build credibility and trust

A lot of customers usually don’t trust commercial or outbound campaigns. Influencers are charged for their quirky presentation of the product, so people who follow them pay attention to their opinions and recommendations.

Studies have shown that 70% of teen subscribers relate more to influencers as compared to traditional celebrities.

3. Drive purchase decisions

It’s easier to create a positive reception for your brand when people fully trust your marketing campaign. With a trustworthy referral, your potential customers will be redirected to you.
Influencers create personally directed messages for a broad audience. This usually generates an uptick in sales, much more than you could’ve imagined!

4. Better content strategy

Content creators deserve more creative credit than they are bestowed with. After all, it isn’t easy to continuously produce fresh and entertaining content. Around 36.7% of marketers have recognized the struggle of creating engaging visual content.

Your life will be much easier if you partner with an expert in this field. Companies like us can use our creative hats to provide you with the best content. Reach out to us here.

5. Cost-effective and time-saving

Advertisement and marketing campaigns require a lot of funding. As an alternative, influencer marketing is cheaper because it drives SEO and targets a large audience.

When you collaborate with existing experts in the industry (like Bright Brain) you can redirect your attention to other essential tasks at hand.

The magic of influencer marketing doesn’t end here. The reason why it is used so prominently these days is that it is suitable for any business. As a small business, it is ideal as it’s an optimal, low-cost strategy – to push your product to many people.

As an established business, you can draft a comprehensive plan with higher investment to partner up with well-known celebrities and other popular brands. It will create a win-win for both of you.

As word-of-mouth marketing is finding its way back to customers, you must have a solid social media presence. Influencers enable you to meet new customers and create engaging content. You are welcome to take baby steps and collaborate with us.

Recruiting the right influencers and driving the correct marketing strategy needs an expert’s opinion. A digital marketing agency, like ours, can help you figure out the required direction of strategy and help you choose the best influencers for the marketing campaign. You can count on us!

BrightBrain is a Digital Marketing and Advertising Agency with a focus on building digital solutions for branding and increased sales efficiency. Our expertise includes Digital Advertising Campaigns, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Web Development, and Online Branding. Our two Google Partnerships bring a unique opportunity to work with the internal team at Google, adding even more value to our team & clients’ successes.

Suhail Bajaj

Suhail Bajaj is the CEO of BrightBrain Marketing Technologies LLP that has now grown into a full-fledged digital marketing agency with 55+ employees and clients from 7+ countries – all under his supervision. Graduated with an MBA from the esteemed Cass Business School, he brilliantly puts his learnings into practice, helping brands meet their business goals and succeed in a digital-first world.

Suhail Bajaj

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