5 AI tools to make graphic designing easy for you!

Tools that simplify graphic design with AI Banner

Have you seen informational posts on Instagram? Have you questioned how M.O.M or Impact designs posts? If yes, we are here to answer your questions!

The average attention span for web users is 6.8 seconds. Too less, isn’t it? However, the attention span can improve with visual assets by approximately 50 milliseconds. That’s a lot! So you see, graphic designing isn’t just for social media posts but for the majority of media consumption.

Now, we don’t know exactly which design software these companies use for their social media posts, but we do know which AI tools can help you. So, what are you waiting for?

What are automated design tools?

Let’s say you are making a design where you have to use a circle. Wouldn’t it be a hassle to draw the circle, repeatedly, by yourself? That’s why you need automated design tools.

Design automation usually helps in reducing errors and time spent on tedious, and repetitive modeling tasks. Our circle example is very minute in its vast processes. Such AI tools can help in automating basic parameters to full-scale product configuration.

AI tools for graphic design use machine learning to save time for innovation and creative inspiration, rather than wasting time on repetitive tasks. Still not certain? Oh, we’ll sell it to you!

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence tools

Mic check 1, 2, 3. As you know, AI is the boss for optimizing work processes, enhancing creative assets, and analyzing customer preferences. Using AI in graphic design will add to these benefits and sweeten your working environment! Following are some benefits of AI tools for graphic design to tick off from your checklist

Reduction in manual work –

According to one of the surveys, 18% of the people took 20+ hours to produce visual content in 2021. AI tools ease the workload and make time for you to think innovatively.

Generation of multiple designs –

Marketers mentioned that they would love to auto-generate multiple design types based on the content they input. It includes eBooks, infographics, and reports to create unique and alternate versions of visual assets without compromising the brand’s integrity.

Design, data, or both –

Statistics and data are always helpful to analyze one’s audience profile. Knowing what your consumers want and keeping up to those standards will immensely increase consumer trust in your brand.

AI in graphic design is the best thing you can work with. So without further ado, we would like to introduce to you five AI tools for graphic design to make your life easier!

AI tools list for graphic design

Before we move on to AI tools in graphic design, here’s a pro tip for you. Before investing in an AI tool check for these pointers:

• Is it easy and quick to learn?

• Does it have user-friendly assets?

• Does it provide ideation tools for conceptualization?

• Is it suitable for your desktop and mobile?

If yes, then don’t think twice about using it!

1. AutoDraw

AutoDraw is a web based AI tool that aims to make drawing accessible and enjoyable for everyone. It pairs machine learning with drawings from various artists, to make you draw or refine your design. It offers suggestions on your designs which you can later on download. Isn’t it sweet?

2. Remove.bg

Want to make creative pictures, but can’t remove the background? Remove.bg is ready to come to your rescue! With this AI tool, you can save on your editing time and utilise them to generate more content. Remove.bg simplifies and accelerates workflow, enabling you to create new products.

3. Adobe Sensei

This AI tool combines AI and machine learning to enhance creative assets, further business operations and marketing insights. It makes images discoverable while helping you to make better marketing decisions. It’s time you say hi to successful marketing campaigns!

4. Let’s Enhance

An image enhancer and upscaler, let’s enhance has an image processing algorithm with which you can upscale images up to 16 times without compromising image quality. Bye-Bye pixelated images! It has automated presets, cloud storage, color enhancement, etc. that lets you process up to 20 visual assets at a time. How sweet!

5. Designs.ai

This artificial intelligence tool aids in generating designs that are based on user preferences, using machine learning technology. It uses algorithms to process and analyze large data after which it recommends multiple result choices to its users.

Here’s another pro tip – before you settle on any of the paid programs, use the free trial to verify how it works for you. AI tools are game changers at present, whether you like them or not. It enhances the speed, time, content, and scalability of a given design multi-folds.

So it’s a choice between spending 20 hours behind one visual asset or 10 minutes behind a full marketing campaign. Of course, it should be the latter. However if you’re looking for specific designs and expert inputs you can always just call us! We hope this list of AI tools for graphic design will help you out!

Bright Brain is a Digital Marketing and Advertising Agency with a focus on building digital solutions for Branding and Increased Sales efficiency. Our expertise includes Digital Advertising, Campaign must-have Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Web Development, and Online Branding. Our Google Partnership brings a unique opportunity to work with the internal team at Google, adding even more value to our team & clients.

Suhail Bajaj

Suhail Bajaj is the CEO of BrightBrain Marketing Technologies LLP that has now grown into a full-fledged digital marketing agency with 55+ employees and clients from 7+ countries – all under his supervision. Graduated with an MBA from the esteemed Cass Business School, he brilliantly puts his learnings into practice, helping brands meet their business goals and succeed in a digital-first world.

Suhail Bajaj

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